
disconnect (pt 2): pull the plug

and I've seen through you for a long time
you can't remember, but I knew you in a past life
you were a woman then, today a man
you were a lot older, and we were better friends than ever in this life
so sweet, so full of love... so broken, so tragic, so neurotic...

always looking for love, always running away from yourself, always running away from love,

always running away from your God

You never heard me, but I called you the "amazing falling-appart woman"
how, after all these years, all these examples, have you not seen your way doesn't work?
how is your heart yet strong enough to be broken again?
will it one day break for good?
will you ever break the cycle?
i don't think you can take much more...
i had hoped so many times before... I think I am done now.
i can't watch you go through this again...


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